== Love God == Delight in Light ==

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Little Song

Well, we had our Open Sunday on the 18th, and it seemed to be quite successful - had a reasonable number of visitors, which was nice. However, I'm going to be delivering a series of talks over the next few weeks, so am still rather busy. We're hoping to put recordings of the talks on our church website all being well - if we manage to get that to work I'll try to post them here as well.

In the mean time, here's another little poem for you to enjoy:

A little song, one summer's day,
Came floating past my ear.
It tiptoed in to look around
And chose to settle there.

It filled my head with dancing notes
That skipped into my heart,
And now we are so close and dear
It seems we'll never part!
- Mark H (DelightInLight.com)

Note: This is one of a number of poems for Christian children that I have posted on this blog. If you want to see more of them, please have a look at this post: "Fun Poems for Kids"

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