== Love God == Delight in Light ==

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Waking Up In Heaven

Quote from Abigail (aged 6):
I think I shall call life a dream... and heaven is the waking up.

The Browns

Quote from Abigail (when she was aged 5):
When you come to think of it, the Browns* are actually quite nice.
But I don't usually come to think of it.

[* Name changed to protect the innocent... :)]

On Turning 40

Another quote - from Joanna (aged 8) the day after my wife's 40th birthday:
Well, I'm not used to you being 40 - it's too old. You have to go back to being 39 again.

And another one from a few days before her birthday - conversation between Mum (aged 39), Abigail (aged 6) and Lucia (aged 5):
Abigail: "You'll be 40 - you'll be as old as Dad!"
Mum: "I can't catch up with him you know."
Lucia: "Yeah, you will. He'll just be older than you when you're the same as him."